Just Breathe 15 minutes You have a powerful tool right inside - it's called your breath. Use it wisely. Experience its fullness and its nothingness... Watch now
Do your Work 15 minutes https://youtu.be/R6Fqcbr_0rs Ground yourself with some breathwork by breathing into your heartspace and out through the base of your body. ... Watch now
Transformation Meditation 15 minutes Transformation happens not with adding things on but with taking things away. Allow this guided breathing practice and meditation to... Watch now
Anything is Possible 15 minutes Sit tall. Breath deep. Connect. And know that anything is truly possible when you put your mind to it. https://youtu.be/kmeBfwLXCuw Watch now
Life is in the Transitions 15 minutes https://youtu.be/Pap1e-KpYQU A lot of people resist transition and never allow themselves to enjoy who they truly are. Embrace the change,... Watch now
Get Curious 15 minutes Get Curious about your breath and sitting in stillness. In just a few minutes explore how it feels in your... Watch now
Let it Be 15 minutes Your true self - your essence. Ground yourself with a few rounds of Coherent Breathing and then dive deep into... Watch now
Be Where You Are 15 minutes There is nowhere else to be, nothing else to do. Right here. Right Now. This is it. Allow yourself to... Watch now
And Now, Yoga 15 minutes https://youtu.be/IhRhOQ3C1II And now, enjoy some deep conscious breaths that bring you into presence. And now, move into a meditation... Watch now
Practice Not Perfection 15 minutes This is all a practice. We aren't striving for perfection whether it's training our breath, our mind, our being-ness! Enjoy... Watch now
What you say is so 5 minutes or less Get alert to what is by breathing in with a bit more effort. Then allow the exhale to be calm... Watch now
Give Up What You Must 15 minutes Transformation happens not with adding things on but with the removal of things. Give up what you must in this... Watch now
Mother Yourself 15 minutes Establish your posture. Bring an awareness to your Monkey Mind and acknowledge what's there. Check all the layers of your... Watch now
Just Smile 15 minutes Start this sitting by focusing on your breath. Become aware of your breath. This simple, yet powerful breathing practice grounds... Watch now
Connect, Breathe and Notice 15 minutes There is no perfect. Instead choose to connect. Connect with your breathe, with your body, with this moment... the present moment.... Watch now
Breathe, Meditate, Be Awesome 15 minutes Embrace your awesomeness in just 12 minutes! Start with the Viloma breath (a broken 3 part breath) and then move... Watch now
Strive not to Arrive in your Sitting 15 minutes Discover or rediscover, understand what is your why and reach reach new level of quality of your life. https://youtu.be/lsA8DOqP86M Watch now
You are ready now 15 minutes You are ready now with one mindful breath. Do your practice. https://youtu.be/Egs2DThPcIE Watch now
The Subtle Pause 15 minutes Establish your posture, bring an attention to your breath and begin. Enjoy this guided breathwork and meditation that brings your... Watch now
Your Conscious Breath 15 minutes Be still and allow your breath to be conscious and full. Enjoy this practice to get grounded into the present... Watch now
BALANCED BREATH BALANCED BODY 15 minutes Mindful breathing is a very basic yet powerful mindfulness meditation practice. It will reduce stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, cool yourself down, and... Watch now
Do the Work Meditation 15 minutes Patabbhi Jois said 'Do your practice and all is coming.' This 15 minute practice starts with Box Breathing and moves... Watch now
Begin Again with This Breath 15 minutes Begin Again and commit to your practice. This is the key to unlocking your flow and moving forward. https://youtu.be/TNDvhHsdOtc Watch now
The Gift of Breath 15 minutes This practice starts with Alternate Nostril breathing to balance the left and right side of your body and brain. You'll... Watch now
Energy of Yes 15 minutes https://youtu.be/TNDvhHsdOtc It's important to keep in mind that we need Energy to perform work. Watch now
Breathing Space Meditation 5 minutes or less https://youtu.be/IpmjXejKcM0 Reset your frame of mind and get you focused on the next task at hand. This is a great... Watch now
Coherent Breathing Meditation 15 minutes https://youtu.be/IpmjXejKcM0 Use your breath to get grounded in your body and balanced in your heart, lungs and circulatory system before... Watch now
Breath, Balance and Meditate 15 minutes https://youtu.be/EulcokJ7pKs Nourish your nervous system and calm the mind so that you can start your day balanced. This sitting starts... Watch now
Breathe Your Way to Presence 15 minutes https://youtu.be/EulcokJ7pKs Connect with your breath and the present moment by some rounds of Coherent Breathing, then move into a breathe... Watch now