Burnout and Your Drainers & Sustainers

But how do I know if I’m burnt out?  Well, I’ve got this amazing exercise that I love doing with my clients to help them see this objectively.  It’s called Drainers * Sustainers.

Are you incorporating your sustainers in your day to day?  Are your drainers at a minimum?  If you notice that your drainers are far outweighing your sustainers, HOUSTON WE’VE GOT A PROBLEM.

This is when you need to take action and figure out how you can get your drainers in check.  BTW, there will always be some form of drain in your life – the goal is to keep them in check.

If you want more information on burnout, we have a FREE Beat Burnout Guide.

Access it now via our homepage.

P.S. Do you have a question about burn out or wellbeing?  Email them to conscious@consciousworking.co